With the ultimate high-level support of 1:1 coaching
Want to become your healthiest and happiest self?

Yet right now, all of your attempts at 'health' have led you down the dieting and restriction path with food, making you think you have to cut out everything you love.

You know what you should be doing and you try to be good, but you fall off the wagon and end up back at square one.

You're struggling with overeating, bingeing or emotional eating, and just can't get your food in check.

Of course, all of this is making you dislike what you see in the mirror, and you wish your body looked different.

You feel like you need to lose weight - for your confidence, for your happiness or for your health - but every time you try, you can never seem to make it stick. Cue: feeling even worse than you did to begin with!

Your confidence and levels of self-love are scraping the bottom of the barrel, and you're ashamed of not being able to pull yourself out.

First of all, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Positive body image and confidence is not the norm, but that doesn't mean it's not possible for you!

You can build unshakeable confidence, body acceptance, self-love and an amazing, guilt-free relationship with food, where you can enjoy all of your faves in an effortless healthy balance.

All you need is the pathway, the tools and the support and accountability along the way... and I'm here to give it to you!

If you're looking for the exact steps and someone to guide you along your journey with high-level support, you've found 1:1 coaching at exactly the right time.

Finding food freedom through intuitive eating is the best way to build a sustainable, effortlessly healthy relationship with food. Say goodbye to bingeing, overeating and restriction and say hello to actually wanting to eat fresh, nutritious food. Oh, and to enjoying pizza guilt-free!
Building body acceptance and confidence is 100% possible for you, no matter what your body looks like. You don't need to wait until you look a certain way to be able to like what you see in the mirror - get the tools to love yourself right now. All bodies are good bodies!
When you cultivate the ability to control your thoughts, beliefs and feelings, achieving your goals becomes easy peasy lemon squeezy! Mindset work is the missing piece of the puzzle for most people, and that's why you haven't been able to achieve your goals long-term in the past (but that changes now!).
Got some killer foundations set up, but you just need a few little tweaks to improve your body confidence or become an intuitive eater? You might only need three months of coaching to achieve your goals! This is for you if you're already doing pretty well and feel comfortable with less support.
  • 3 months of 1:1 fortnightly 50 minute coaching sessions, held over Zoom
  • Support for 1-2 issues
  • Goal setting sessions and a plan with small, achievable steps to get you there
  • Guidance and education on topics that you feel you need some extra assistance navigating
  • Weekly check-ins via email for support, accountability and to answer any questions
$1247 up front or $497 p/m for 3 months
PSA: Quick-fixes don't work, and achieving your ultimate health and wellbeing goals takes time. For most people, we're undoing a lifetime of shitty programming and habits, so we need six months to dive deep and give you all of the tools so you never need another coach again!
  • 6 months of 1:1 fortnightly 50 minute coaching sessions, held over Zoom
  • Support for a lifestyle overhaul
  • Goal setting sessions and a plan with small, achievable steps to get you there
  • Guidance and education on topics that you feel you need some extra assistance navigating
  • Weekly check-ins via email for support, accountability and to answer any questions
  • Direct access to me via email 9am-6pm Monday to Friday
  • My '5 Steps to Stop Emotional Eating' eBook
  • Daily wellness planner
  • Customised habit tracker
  • Master Your Meal Prep guide
  • Reconnect With Your Hunger Cues guide
  • Bye Bye Bingeing journal prompts
  • PLUS a surprise gift!
$2297 up front or $457p/m for 6 months
"I was raving about Jemma's service when I was only a few weeks in, and after 6 months of working together I can only rave about her more. Jemma is the cheerleader I wanted and the supportive reminder I needed, coupled with great advice and wisdom when I got stuck. My mindset around food, exercise, healthy habits and sustainable change has completely shifted in the last 6 months, and while I know I did the 'work' myself, having Jemma there to bounce everything off and keep me going was exactly what I needed. Jemma has a really holistic approach and knows everything happening in your life can impact on your health. Loved our chats!"
"Jemma has changed my life. She has made me see things in a totally different perspective and I wouldn't have got this with anyone else. I wish I did this sooner!!! Jemma is seriously amazing! 1:1 coaching is definitely the way to go if you want to change your life. I have overcome so much mentally that I have a different outlook on health and fitness now. Jemma really spends the time explaining things and helps you work through blockages to get the best outcome for you!!! I wish I could have Jemma as a coach forever, her support and knowledge is one of a kind and I am sooo glad I found her!!! She is one of a kind and worth every cent!!!!"

"I can't believe my 6 months are up! In my last session, the tears started as I said goodbye and as Jemma read back my goals and where I started from and where I am now! Jemma isn't just a coach, she is an incredible friend. Her coaching sessions were like talking to a friend who just listens, has no judgement and just keeps on loving you and encouraging you and sometimes even pushes you in a loving way to achieve your goals. I just love Jemma!!!"

Taking the leap into coaching can be scary AF for a lot of people, which is why I offer free, no-strings-attached coaching sessions!


Get a taste (pardon the pun) for what coaching could look like for you, your next steps towards achieving your goals and suss out whether I'm the coach for you.

Book your free coaching session here.

You are:
  • Struggling with food (including overeating, restriction, emotional eating, bingeing or negative emotions around food), your body, confidence or sustaining healthy habits. These things are all my JAM!
  • Open-minded and willing to try something different (because let's face it - what's got you to this point obviously hasn't worked, right?).
  • Ready to dive deep into work on your mindset, thoughts and beliefs, even if it feels icky sometimes. Mindset is the missing piece of the puzzle and the part that will change the game!
  • Needing a bit of extra coaching and support, and are someone who thrives with 1:1 work, compared to working in a group setting. You'll have the opportunity to guide every single session and be in the driver's seat for what we focus on.
  • Ready to go all in on yourself to become the confident, nourished, badass that you are deep inside.
You're not:
  • A quitter who is going to give up as soon as things get tough. Truth: some of this won't be fun, but it's where the magic happens!
  • Buttoned-up and unwilling to share. The more you share, the more I can help you. This is a judgement-free zone and you can't shock me!
  • Looking for someone to give you a calorie-counted meal plan, track your macros or put you on a restrictive diet. That's not my vibe.
  • Chasing weight-loss at all costs. It's fine if you still want to lose weight - many of my clients do - but I don't care about the number on your scales. I'm here to help you make healthy, sustainable changes that make you feel good inside and out, and those changes have nothing to do with your weight.
  • Diagnosed with an eating disorder. If you are, I'll need approval from your doctor for us to work together, as treating EDs is outside my scope of practice.
We'll meet fortnightly for 50 minutes over Zoom, so you can join me from anywhere in the world!
Of course! I have a payment plan and a pay in full option, so there's something to suit everyone's needs.
A general rule of thumb is that we can solve 1-2 smaller issues in a three month time period with the Revitalise package, and for anything more we need six months with Transform. 95% of my clients go with Transform, because these issues often run deep and have been building up over a lifetime! If you're unsure about which is right for you, book a free, no-strings-attached coaching session and we'll work it out together.
I'm here for everyone! I've worked with women all over the world, so I'd love to help you out no matter where you're from - that's the beauty of working online. My client hours are based on the Hobart time zone, so reach out if you're interested in how that would work for you.
"If anyone is struggling with body image or wanting to better themselves - Jemma is their gal! Jemma helped me become pretty nonchalant about my body, she helped me find out why I feel and think the way I do. It was an amazing experience! I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!!"
"If you want to have the best relationship with yourself and love yourself deeply in the one body you have for the rest of your life but not sure how to, Jemma is the coach you need. I wanted to believe in all the things that Jemma posts: the being able to love yourself fully and unconditionally regardless of your body, looking at yourself in the mirror and being proud/joyful, not having binge eating episodes, improving my relationship with food and exercise... they are all true. All possible."

"You made me see that my body doesn't change who I am. Losing weight, gaining weight, wearing make up or wearing size 16 does not define who I am. I am wonderful with or without all of those things and I don't need to change."

Ready to find food freedom, be confident in your body and love yourself unconditionally?

 Let's do this! 

Still have questions?